How do I delegate the workload of my restaurant?
Tired of doing all the work yourself? We didn’t get into business for ourselves to run ourselves ragged, or to do things we don’t enjoy doing. So, let’s set up a plan to start delegating effectively, whether that’s to a team of supervisors or deciding to recruit a General Manager. Either way, job descriptions are a good place to start. Then we’ll set some sales and cost goals and incentivize your management team to reach them. It needs to be a win-win-win. At the end of it, the operation should be on track for higher profitability, all while delegating some or all of the managerial tasks.
Restaurant management is the practice of tracking all aspects of a restaurant and tying back what is and is not working for your business’s bottom line. From there, we make critical decisions to improve profitability, the customer experience, and our overall happiness at work. In the restaurant business, things come at you fast. You need to be proactive to stay ahead of the curve, instead of being reactive. This requires planning tools to manage decisions related to:
Menu changes and updates
Marketing campaigns
Consumer trends
Schedule changes
If you’re not proactive, you won’t manage the restaurant, it’ll manage you. I’ll give you the tools you need to delegate effectively while improving the bottom line.